Covid-19 Update

Following the recent government announcement regarding the easing of COVID related restrictions effective from Monday 19th July, we are writing to clarify the subsequent operational changes and how this will affect our members.

What does this mean for gym members?

  • Fitness class occupancy will initially increase by 2 persons per class from July 19th, with classes returning to full capacity from Monday 16th August.
  • Members are no longer required to book gym visits in advance and time restrictions on the length of each visit will be removed. As previous, members will be required to swipe in at the access control barrier to gain access to the gym and/or studio.
  • A single pre-booked gym session per day will be retained for the foreseeable future, with limited capacity and enhanced social distancing measures. This session will be from 12.15pm to 13.15pm on both weekends and weekdays.
  • The Gym will close each day at 12 noon for 15 minutes allowing for a deep clean of the area including fogging.
  • Gym changing facilities and showers will also be made available to members from July 19th.

What does this mean for Swimming lessons?

  • Class capacity will return to normal from Monday 19th July.
  • Teachers will continue to wear PPE for the duration of lessons for the foreseeable future.
  • We continue to request that only one parent/guardian accompany children for lessons, thus reducing the volume of people within the café area and changing village.
  • Swimmers should continue to attend the facility “beach ready” as changing cubicles will be allocated to those who have finished lessons.
  • Swimmers will be permitted to use the showers following a lesson.
  • The temporary changing facilitates will continue to be utilised until further notice.


  • The pre-booking system for casual swimming will remain in place.
  • Additional swimming sessions will be included within the pool timetable plus bather capacity for both the main and leaner pool will be increased from July 19th, with family swim session increasing to 30 and lane swimming 25.
  • We continue to ask that swimmers, including those attending aqua aerobics, arrive “beach ready”.
  • All FPT employees will continue to take Lateral Flow Tests twice weekly.
  • The one-way system will remain in place as will QR codes and sanitising stations.
  • Cash payments will be accepted from Monday 16th August. Although cash paying members can renew prior to this subject to having the exact amount.
  • Additional cleaning procedures will remain in place within all areas of the facility.
  • Visitors will resume inputting vehicle registrations on each visit from Monday 16th August

Finally, thank you all for you continued support during this challenging period for us all.

Take care and stay safe

Formby Pool Trust