About Us
The establishment of a swimming pool within Formby had long been an aspiration of a number of local residents; and as long ago as the 1970s, a fundraising campaign was created to realise that aspiration.
However, with high inflation at the time the fund was never able to make a realistic impact and the campaign was finally wound down after a couple of years. The money raised however was ringfenced in the hope of a future opportunity to resurrect the campaign.
That opportunity finally arrived in 2000, when a benefactor came forward with both land and finances to create a leisure centre. At around the same time, Sefton M.B.C. put the Formby Council offices on the market, and the sale realised a substantial sum, 50% of which was put to the project. That sum together with the generosity of our benefactor, and a revitalised public fundraising campaign, provided the funding necessary to realise the dream.
In January 2007, the doors to the new Formby Pool finally opened, and the centre has now achieved the aim of becoming the heart of the community.


Many hours of careful planning and debate finally culminated in the creation of Formby Pool Trust Ltd. A company limited by guarantee with charitable status was registered and a board of directors appointed. The organisation operates on a non profit distributing basis.
The board of directors reflects the partnership involved in the creation of the facility, and includes nominees from Sefton M.B.C. and the Formby Land Trust. However, the majority of the board are recruited from the community of Formby, and identify the true nature of the trust; a company created for the benefit of the residents of Formby, run by the community.
The board of directors meet Bi-monthly and are responsible for the strategic planning, and financial management of the facility.